Ways to Show Someone You Care About Them

Ways to Show Someone You Care About Them

It’s important to show loved ones you care about them. Sometimes, you might imagine there’s no need because they should simply know. But, even if you’ve had a relationship with them for a long time, it’s still valuable to relay your affection. When you show you care, the bond between you strengthens and you crush any doubts that you hold them in
positive regard.

How to show someone you care:

Focus on what’s important to them

You convey your interest in someone when you focus on what’s important to them. Your attention to their likes and dislikes expresses your wish to support their happiness, and your attention suggests you find them likable.

So, if someone you care for is passionate about saving wildlife or painting, take an interest in these topics. Ask them about the plight of dwindling species or what they like to paint and why. You’ll learn more about them and show
you care.

Practice active listening

People rarely listen well to one another. They are too busy thinking about what they want to say. Or their minds wander to another subject like what they want to do later. Just as not being listened to makes people feel unloved, listening attentively helps them know you care about them.

Give people your full attention when they speak. Note their body language, what they say, and their tone of voice. Imagine what you might feel if you were in their shoes and let them speak without interrupting them.

Remember little details

Has anyone ever remembered little details about you like your favorite color or why you love your favorite movie? No doubt, if they did, it warmed your heart because you understood it meant they cared
for you.

Show you care by making a mental note of the little intrinsic things someone mentions about themselves. They may seem trivial to you, but recalling them demonstrates your affection.

Give support

Supporting someone when they need it can help them in practical and emotional ways. It can make them realize how much you care too. Knowing you are there for them when they are
at their lowest point gives them courage and shows affection.

Give someone who needs your support extra attention. Stay in contact often and ask them what you can do to help. Be available if they need your time and energy when you can, and let them know you care by being thoughtful.

Stay connected

You might not always be able to see the people you care about in person, but you can still connect. There are several ways to stay in touch. Phone them, email, or use Skype. Or join classes and carry them out together via Zoom. Don’t underestimate the power of old-fashioned snail mail, too. It’s heartening to receive a friendly letter through the post.

Show the real you

You might not have considered being your authentic
self shows you care. But people can sense when you hide essential qualities. It sends the message you don’t trust them enough to reveal the actual you.

Let people you care about see the sincere version of you so they can connect with you. Tell them when you’re upset so they can be supportive and share your hopes and dreams.

Offer spontaneous kindness

You don’t need a reason to be kind when you want to show how much you care about someone. Act with unprompted kindness now and then. Give them flowers or a potted plant “just because.” Or send an unexpected gift purchased when you were out of town for the day. Or leave an encouraging or loving note for them to find.

Spend quality time together

The amount isn’t as significant as the quality of time you spend with someone. Avoid multitasking when you’re together. Constant phone checking, for instance, signals lack of care and attention. The message is you find your phone or the people you communicate with on it more interesting. Stick with the person you’re with if you go out together too. If you meet new people,
introduce them to your companion rather than flit around the room like a lone butterfly.

Share resources

 You need not always share resources with someone to show you care, but sometimes it’s fun, kind, or appropriate because that’s what people who are close do. Some resources are material such as money or food. Others are practical, like physical help, or spiritual. You can also show you care by sharing knowledge. Teaching someone skills like cooking or gardening, for example, is a valuable gift.

Give validation and acceptance

When you validate someone, you accept them as they are, and you acknowledge their views and emotions. You accept their account of what happens knowing their experience is personal and legitimate, even when yours differs.

It helps to give positive feedback too. Let people know how they affect you. If they lift your mood or help you, or you just appreciate them for being themselves, say so to demonstrate appreciation.

There are many ways to show someone you care about them. They involve giving attention and being thoughtful and generous. One of the terrific things about caring is it’s a win-win practice. When you give, you also receive. Happy hormones flood your system and your relationships blossom.

Holiday Date Ideas

Holiday Date Ideas

Christmas is the perfect time for romantic dates whether they’re with your long-time partner or a new beau. Love is in the air already and there are plenty of twinkly lights and seasonal attractions to explore, so what are you waiting for? Here are some ways to turn the Christmas atmosphere intoa perfect date.

Find the Best Hot Chocolate

What’s better than sharing a warm mug of cocoa when it’s chilly outside? Spend the afternoon searching for the best cup of hot chocolate in your town – you could even create a ranking system (“Most Chocolatey”, “Best Marshmallows”, and so on!).

Christmas Movie Marathon

Pick some of your favorite holiday movies – Elf, Die Hard, and Home Alone are all great choices – and snuggle under a blanket together while you marathon them. This is a great excuse to cozy up to your date
on chilly winter nights.

Ice Skate

Ice skating is a fun, adventurous, and romantic date to enjoy when it’s snowy outside. Take the chance to hold hands as you whiz around the ice rink, and don’t forget to laugh at yourself if you fall over a couple of times!

Visit the Christmas Lights

Every town puts up Christmas lights in December and there might even be some residents who go all out decorating their houses. Take the chance to wander around these hometown winter wonderlands and don’t forget to kiss if you find yourselves under the mistletoe.

Bake Christmas Treats

Christmas cookies are easy to bake and delicious to eat so look up a recipe and get your hands messy decorating them with red and green icing. You could even try putting together a gingerbread house if you or your date are particularly artistic!

Wintery Walk

The long winter evenings create some beautifully romantic views so invite your beau on a starlit walk. Whether it’s a snowy hike or a simple wander through town, you’ll find some perfect photo opportunities and have the chance to
enjoy each other’s company.

Christmas Caroling

If you and your date are super musical or just interested in some tongue in cheek fun, Christmas caroling is a great way to spend a few hours. Find a choir that performs in your area or grab some friends to go singing with you for a unique group date.

Take A Carriage Ride

Many cities offer horses and drivers to take you and your beloved on a spin around the snowy streets, so find one and give your sweetheart a rose as you enjoy a cozy ride around town. End the date with some mulled wine on a pretty street corner.

Last Minute Gift Shopping

Set a mini-budget and try to find the funniest gifts that you can on a last-minute Christmas shopping spree amongst the mad consumer crowds. Your gifts could be silly or sweet but they’ll certainly become treasured memories for many years to come.

Snowball Fight

If you’re lucky enough to live somewhere with a decent covering of snow, wrap up warm and take your date out for a snowball fight. You can run around enjoying the winter landscape before sharing a kiss in the snow when you’ve finished battling.

The holiday season offers plenty of romantic date ideas so try some of these out and you’ll be feeling merry in no time at all!

Five Things to Do at the Beginning of a New Relationship

Five Things to Do at the Beginning of a New Relationship

Entering a new relationship is a fun and exciting experience. This phase consists of discovering each other’s interests, laughter, and late night conversations that you spend the next day thinking about. The world is filled with endless possibilities. It’s electric, and so far everything is as close to perfect as it can be. But it’s important not to get too swept away during this time. As your emotions surge, it will be harder to keep a level head and set necessary boundaries, but if you want your new relationship to truly blossom, to mature and grow in a healthy way that’s exactly what you need to do. Below, you’ll find a few tips to help as you navigate your new relationship.

Be Yourself

It’s no secret that everyone wants to appear appealing and put together to their new partner. While you certainly don’t want to dump all your childhood trauma on them right out the gate, you shouldn’t lie about who you are either. You don’t have to put on a show to make someone like you. An ideal partner is someone who will love you for who truly you are, but in order for that to happen, they have to know who you are. Building a relationship based on lies is a foolproof way to create drama and trust issues down the line. Be yourself. Don’t change for anyone. Be honest about your hobbies and your likes and dislikes. Be your goofy or clumsy self. Tell them your favorite movies, even if they don’t appreciate the genre. Don’t tell them you love the outdoors if the idea of spending the day hiking sounds like your own personal hell. Obviously, you can learn to love and appreciate new things in the relationship, and you can certainly try out things they enjoy simply because you want to be around them, but don’t lie about who you are and what you like. Be your beautiful self, and let that be enough.

Don’t Give up Control

Relationships aren’t a game. They shouldn’t be a power play or a battle of any kind, but that being said, you can still lose the power in the relationship by constantly deferring to the other person. If you find yourself asking questions like, “When can we take this step?” “When can I say this without scaring them?” “I want to spend more time together, but should I tell them that?” then you are giving control of the relationship’s speed and direction to the other person. One thing a lot of people forget but should remember is that you are equal partners in the relationship. It’s your relationship too; it belongs to both of you. You have an equal say in things. Your voice matters. Your needs should be met just as much as theirs. Don’t lose your voice, and don’t leave all the important decisions up to someone else.

Set Boundaries

When you’re swept up in someone new, it’s easy to let other aspects of your life fall to the side. You start seeing your friends less because you’re spending all your time with your new partner. You don’t put in as much effort at work because you’re too busy thinking about your possible future together. You don’t spend time alone because you’d rather be with them. And while there’s nothing wrong with being excited about a new relationship, it shouldn’t consume your life and make you put everything else on hold. You are still important, and spending time away from your partner is healthy for your mental health and your identity. Your friends are still important; these are relationships you’ve spent time cultivating and people who’ve been by your side through thick and thin, and they deserve your attention too. Your career is still important. Your goals and hard work shouldn’t fade into the background just because you’re falling in love. Putting boundaries in place, like not seeing each other every night and making time for other aspects of your individual lives, is crucial in the beginning of the relationship. It’ll help prevent you from ‘losing yourself’ within the relationship and neglecting the people and things that matter to you because you’re enchanted with the light of new love. 

Be Honest About What You Want

If you want a long term relationship, don’t act like you’re okay with something casual and temporary. If you don’t want kids, don’t say that you can see yourself starting a family. If you love where you live and never plan to move, make that known to your partner. Everyone has to make small compromises in relationships, like eating at a restaurant you aren’t fond of because it’s your partner’s favorite, but no one should have to compromise on the big issues. You need to remember that this is your life; it should look the way you want it to. You should never rearrange your biggest dreams, goals, or desires in order to be with someone. Some lines should be drawn and never crossed, and you should do it early. 

Don’t Bring Past Trauma into Your New Relationship

Obviously, you won’t magically heal from all your past pain the moment you get into a new relationship. That would be great, but it’s simply not realistic. Still, you need to keep your past and present separate in your mind. Just because your last partner cheated on you, doesn’t mean your current one will. Just because your last partner was controlling and manipulative doesn’t mean your current one will be. Certainly keep an eye out for red flags, but don’t project other people’s behaviors onto your new significant other. It’s unfair and will only cause doubt and drama to fester in the relationship. Communication and vulnerability are crucial in order to succeed in leaving the past behind you. Talk about your insecurities without accusing anyone of anything. Have a mature and open discussion, and do your best to trust your significant other unless they personally give you reason not to. Relationships are hard enough to navigate without the ghosts of past partners lingering around to mess things up. 

If you recently entered into a new relationship, or you think you might start one soon, use this list as a guideline to help you enjoy the happiness new love brings while also making smart decisions for you and your future. It’s not always easy setting boundaries or being open and honest, especially when you want your partner to see you as ‘perfect,’ but it’s crucial if you want your relationship to mature win a healthy way.

Solo Date Ideas for Your Next Day Out

Solo Date Ideas for Your Next Day Out

In today’s world where hectic schedules seem to be the norm, taking time to care for yourself can be a challenge. And when you do find the time, deciding what to do and who to do it with can turn into a daunting task that ends up robbing you of precious time. But what better way to unwind and indulge in some much-needed self-care than a solo date? Read on for a list of ideas that are sure to give you some inspiration, whether you’re looking for relaxed fun or a bit of an adventure.

Coffee shop  If you’re the kind of person who likes the smell of coffee and the gentle buzz of conversation in a coffee shop, then your solo date could be as simple as some time spent in your local café. You can also explore a new spot around you or order something you’ve never had at your usual haunt to change things up. Pick a comfy seat, grab a book or magazine, and you’re good to go.

Park  Nothing can beat Mother Nature when it comes to providing some peace and quiet. If that’s what you’re looking for, a trip to the park could be just the thing. You can fix yourself a snack and read, draw, journal, or just watch people. Needless to say, the fresh air and sunlight will do you good.

Dinner  Going out for dinner is probably the most popular idea for a date, so why not do it solo? Dining alone can seem a bit intimidating, especially if you’ve never done it before, but that’s even more reason to go for it. You can step out of your comfort zone and enjoy a nice meal at a restaurant of your choice.

Gallery  Whether you’re in the habit of visiting galleries and art shows or not, time spent appreciating art is never wasted. It makes for a great solo activity that is sure to entertain you and open your eyes to new things.

Shopping  Many claim shopping is therapeutic. You may agree, or traipsing around the mall may sound like a chore to you. But how about shopping for what you love? Maybe you’re a comic book fan, or you like collecting antiques. Whatever your passion is, there’s almost certainly a store that caters to it.   

Event  Events are a great way to take a break from your routine and get your mind off things. While it’s true they’re not what they used to be before the pandemic, it’s still worth finding something that interests you, be it live music, poetry readings or even a lecture on a topic you’d like to learn more about.

New skill  It’s hard to come up with a better use of downtime than self-improvement. There’s a wide range of skills you could learn while also having fun. Maybe you’ve been itching to try pottery or take a dance lesson. And who knows? You might even pick up a new hobby along the way.   

Somewhere with a view  The relaxation and the feeling of distance from the daily grind that a great view offers can hardly be matched by anything else. This option is also very versatile, as you can find different places with a view you can enjoy. You could drive to a spot where you can look out at your city, or the sea if you happen to live near one. A rooftop restaurant or bar is another possibility. You could also hike somewhere, adding a sense of achievement to the beauty of the view at the top.

Different cultures  You may not have the luxury of traveling the world, but that doesn’t mean you can’t use a day off to satisfy your sense of adventure. Get a taste of a different culture by sampling foreign food you’ve never had before or exploring a part of town dedicated to a particular culture.

Adrenaline rush  If you spend most of your time sitting at a desk or tackling the same long to-do list every day, you could really benefit from challenging yourself and feeling the high of an adrenaline rush. Use your free time to go on a scary ride, skydive, do some public speaking or any number of things that can get your blood pumping. A word of caution – your safety should always come first.

Now that you’re armed with this list, you know where to look the next time you feel like taking a break and planning a solo date or ten. 

5 Toxic Personalities That You Should Avoid

5 Toxic Personalities That You Should Avoid

Toxic people are hard to steer clear of. Sometimes they are hard to spot because of how subtle and calculated their form of manipulation is. They make you feel drained, insecure, and anxious, amongst so many other negative emotions, and then they benefit from those emotions to either feel better about themselves or to make sure that you have something to blame yourself for. Whether they seek to make your life miserable on purpose or whether they are not even aware of the impact they can have on others, they still deserve to be called out on their behavior. In return, you deserve to have people in your life that you enjoy being around. So here are five types of toxic personalities that you should be on the lookout for and try your best to avoid:

Negative personalities

It goes without saying that people with a negative mindset are bound to bring only negativity into your life. But a more specific definition of a negative personality refers to the kind of person who adopts a pessimistic view on life and who finds a flaw in almost, if not every, aspect of your relationship with them. They could be a family member who always lets you know the ways in which you could apply yourself better instead of congratulating you on your accomplishments, or a romantic partner who seems to regularly find a reason to start a fight with you. Whichever category this type falls in, they are not the kind of people you want in your life. Negative feedback can work in certain situations, but people are generally found to be performing best when they are given positive reinforcement or when they are being praised instead of scolded. If you are dealing or have dealt at any point with someone who had a negative personality, it is important to remember that they are also making themselves miserable by demanding perfection, because they live in constant disappointment. What you can do to escape their negativity is to surround yourself with people who do see your flaws, but who care about your qualities more.

Positive personalities

On the other side of the spectrum is a positive personality, and perhaps this type is not as obviously toxic as the previous one. It does not sound unfortunate, because everyone needs a person that nudges them towards seeing the good side of things. But sometimes too much positivity can be just as damaging as too much negativity. The problem with believing in the power of positive thinking is that it is just not realistic. We are only human, so our failures or bad experiences do not define us, but they should be acknowledged nonetheless for the sake of personal growth. Someone who encourages you to always look on the bright side or reminds you that other people have it worse is just invalidating your difficulties and trying to take away the guilt or sadness that you are allowed to feel. It is not healthy to see the world in black and white, in negativity or positivity. What could work instead is trying to remind yourself that balance is what everyone should try to strive for.

Victim complex personalities

A person with a victim mentality is someone who refuses to take full responsibility for their actions, and perpetually finds someone else to blame for their own issues or mistakes. The dangers of having someone like this in your life stem from the way in which they are able to make you feel sorry for them. Perhaps they blame their behavior on childhood issues. Perhaps they blame their mishaps on you because they feel you caused them to act a certain way. Regardless, a person who is always quick to point fingers at others instead of owning up to their mistakes is also someone who self-sabotages their own life, and will therefore sabotage their relationship with you as well at one point or another.

Arrogant personalities

There is a big difference between someone who is confident and someone who is arrogant. A confident individual feels good in their own skin, while the arrogant type gives themselves more importance than it is due.  They tend to act superior towards others and to talk down to them, and the biggest problem is that they can come across as intimidating. They seem to be in a constant, sometimes imaginary competition with someone else, and they have a strong desire to dominate others in conversations. You might feel insecure around them or you might even dread having a chat with them because of the way in which they seem to make themselves the center of attention while making you an afterthought.

Gaslighting personalities

The term “gaslighting” represents a form of manipulation in which an individual makes another question their own memory or feelings by downplaying certain situations and planting seeds of doubt in their mind. This is the most dangerous type of toxicity, especially because of the insidious way in which it presents itself. Most people who have been gaslighted in relationships have not realized it until later on. The person doing the gaslighting will often tell you that you are too sensitive, or that you take things to heart when you shouldn’t, or even that you don’t remember things correctly and that they never actually wanted to hurt you. But the truth is, no one should get to decide when you have the right to feel upset. People on the receiving end of gaslighting tend to be quick to question themselves, when instead they should recognize that once somebody wrongs you, it is their responsibility to earn your forgiveness and trust, not yours to hand it to them for free. Whether it is intentional or not, this form of manipulation should not be overlooked once it is spotted.

While dealing with someone who has a toxic personality, people don’t realize when something that should be easy becomes hard. Indeed, relationships are difficult to maintain, even healthy ones, but at the end of the day, the good that they bring into your life should outweigh the bad. If you find yourself in a position where being around a loved one brings out feelings of guilt, insecurity, or exhaustion, then it is time to question their presence in your life and to start focusing on your own self-worth.

The Power of Gathering

The Power of Gathering

The way we gather matters. This is a time to get creative, about how, where, and with whom we spend our time. How can we take a challenging span and make it meaningful, and unforgettable?. What makes getting together memorable?. If you think about life’s different occasions or events, food is most likely at the center. Food is the catalyst for any notable gathering. Whether sitting at a table together, or delivering homemade cookies to a neighbor, it creates a sense of connection. We have an opportunity to think differently about gatherings, however small they may be.

There is something transformative about gathering around food. To break bread together, a phrase as old as the bible, captures the power of how a meal can forge relationships. The connection we have with food is universal, and rooted in the connections that we have with the people in our lives. It offers a sense of unity which can bring both similar and diverse backgrounds together. The feeling of making a meal from scratch can be one of the most rewarding, joyful experiences. What’s better than sharing a homemade meal? ; it ties together people from all walks of life.  Whatever the reason or season, rest assured it will make January a delicious and meaningful month.

The intention is to give you the inspiration, and generosity of heart to bake those cookies, make
that cake, a healthy one, a simple one, and walk across the street to a neighbor, friend or even a stranger… and make their day, and yours.

With good friends… and good food on board… we may ask, When shall we live if not now?
M.F.K. Fisher, The art of eating

Cardamom pound cake that warms the body, mind and spirit…

Wishing you a magical New Year…

Gluten-Free & Grain-Free

Makes 1 large pound cake, or 3 mini loafs

1 1/2 sticks ( 3/4 cup ) unsalted butter, room temperature

1 1/2 cup almond flour

1/2 cup arrowroot

1 1/2 teaspoon psyllium husk, ground

1 1/4 tsp. baking powder

1 tsp. ground cardamom (if using pods, grind to a powder)

3/4 tsp. sea salt

1/4 cup almond milk, or other milk

1/2 cup goat yogurt, or cow

3/4 cup monk fruit sugar, or pure cane sugar

3 large eggs, room temperature

3/4 tsp. vanilla extract

1/2 cup sliced almonds

Preheat oven to 350

Butter a 9x5x3 loaf pan; line bottom with parchment paper, leaving an overhang on the sides. For smaller loaves, use 3 mini loaf pans.

Whisk baking powder, cardamom, salt and 2 cups of flour and psyllium husk in a medium bowl. Set aside.

Whisk almond milk and 1/2 cup of yogurt in a small bowl. Set aside.

Using an electric mixer on high speed, beat the sugar and 3/4 cup butter in a large bowl until light and fluffy. About 4 minutes.

Add the eggs one at a time, beating to blend between additions and occasionally scraping down the sides with a spatula. Add vanilla.

Reduce the speed too low and add dry ingredients in 3 additions.

Alternate the yogurt mixture with the dry mixture. Add dry ingredients last. Beat until just combined.

Scrape the batter into prepared loaf pans, or pan.

Bake cakes, rotating half way through, until golden brown and a tester inserted comes out clean, 40-50 minutes. (Tent if browning too fast ) Transfer pan to a wire rack and let cool in pan for 20 minutes.

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