Common Migraine Triggers

Common Migraine Triggers

Migraines cause excruciating pain and debilitating symptoms for millions of people and can have a devastating impact on quality of life. Learning to identify and avoid triggers is the key to preventing or reducing the frequency of migraine attacks. Here are some common triggers that could be causing your migraines.


Food is a major migraine trigger for many people. Certain foods, such as coffee, red wine, chocolate and citrus fruits, are well-known triggers, but almost any food has the potential to cause negative reactions, including migraine, headaches, nausea, digestive problems and skin irritations. The best way to discover which foods are triggering your migraines is to keep a food diary.


Dehydration is another common migraine trigger and can be caused by a number of things, including inadequate fluid intake, strenuous exercise, excess salt consumption, vomiting, diarrhea, high fever and some medications. In addition, it’s important to stay hydrated during a migraine attack, as dehydration can increase pain sensitivity and make the symptoms worse.


Mental and physical stress can cause muscle tension in the shoulders, neck and jaw that restricts the flow of blood and causes pain. This muscle tension can trigger migraine and is difficult to treat, as pain-killing medication is often ineffective. Learning to relax is usually the best way to prevent stress-related migraines. Physiotherapy and some complementary therapies, such as deep tissue massage, acupuncture or acupressure, can also be useful for some people.

Screen Flicker

Smartphones, tablets, computers and television screens can also trigger migraines. Some people are sensitive to screen flicker, which can occur on smartphones, computer monitors and some television screens. Screen flicker may not be noticeable to the naked eye, but it can usually be seen when looking at the screen through a video camera. AMOLED (active-matrix organic light-emitting diode) displays are a big problem for some people, as this type of display flickers continuously. Screen glare is another common problem that can sometimes trigger ocular migraines and affect vision.


Some smells and fragrances can trigger migraines or make the symptoms worse. Chemicals and artificial fragrances, such as those found in air fresheners, cleaning products and perfumes, can cause nausea, headaches and other neurological symptoms, including dizziness and digestive problems. Using unscented products can make a big difference for some people. However, if you are unable to avoid the fragrances that cause your symptoms, your doctor may be able to refer you for treatment to help desensitize you to fragrances and other triggers.

Food, dehydration, stress, screen flicker and fragrances are common migraine triggers. However, each person reacts differently to potential triggers, so it can take time to work out what is causing your migraines. It’s important to seek medical advice and to get an official diagnosis, as migraine symptoms can sometimes be caused by an underlying health problem.

The Untethered Cook

The Untethered Cook

I like to believe we all strive to stay true to ourselves, to our own path. It is very easy to get pulled by others’ opinions and the need for approval, even if it comes from our own striving for perfection. This applies to all paths, cooking as well.

My philosophy of cooking with the seasons allows for inspiration, rather than motivation. Where does inspiration come from?  What does it mean to be motivated?

Inspiration is something that you feel on the inside, a sudden creative wonderful idea, while motivation is something from the outside, that compels us to take action. Inspiration is a driving force, while motivation
is a pulling force.

Inspiration is designed to help us get in touch with that inner knowing, and encourage us to celebrate the wondrous and precious gifts nature has given us. It’s a map, a guide, to help us along the way.

I keep this reminder on my kitchen vision board, to remind me of the place I am creating from. This allows for authenticity.

My inspiration comes from an ingredient grown in healthy soil that each season has to offer. Cooking in this way brings us what our bodies need, crave and deserve. It is the recipe for all the pleasures of the table.

Whether you are a serious artist, or a weekend amateur, remaining untethered to any expectation allows for a spontaneous, heartfelt  expression of our own unique beauty.

We all deserve a treat now and again… My Raw Blueberry Pie is a summer healthy indulgence. Blueberries are in season in NC through August.

To your good health…

If you are a curious cook,  join me on my Radio Show ~  “A taste for All Seasons” 

We explore the world of food, with the philosophy of eating with the seasons.

And… as always, l  will be sharing cooking tips, seasonal shortcuts and kitchen essentials that will make your life easier in the kitchen.

Visit: A Taste for All Seasons Show Page @ WPVMFM.ORG and listen to the July show, for a delicious conversation with farmer Gaelan Corizine of Green Toe Ground Farm.

It airs on the last Saturday of every month at 11 am, on WPVM FM 103.7 in Asheville, NC.   

Laurie Richardone is a seasonal gluten free chef and certified health coach. 

For more information, visit

For scheduled Cooking Classes in Asheville, Visit:

A Practical Guide to Living with Hay Fever and Allergies

A Practical Guide to Living with Hay Fever and Allergies

Hay fever and allergies cause misery for millions of people. While summer is a time of joy for most people, many hay fever sufferers dread the seasonal symptoms. Some allergies are present all year round, and sufferers may find their lives being ruled by their allergy. Over thirty percent of people will be affected by hay fever or allergies at some point in their lives, with many of these experiencing symptoms severe enough to interfere with their daily routine, work, sleep, study or home life.

What is an allergy?

An allergic reaction occurs when the immune system overreacts or responds inappropriately to a harmless substance. The human immune system is designed to protect us from harmful substances, infections, viruses, diseases and so on. However, sometimes the immune system misinterprets harmless substances (allergens), believing them to be harmful, and attempts to rid them from the body. This results in a variety of symptoms, commonly known as an allergic reaction.

Types of allergen

Airborne allergens cause allergic reactions in many people. House dust mites are one of the most common airborne allergens, along with pollen from grass and trees, which causes the symptoms of hay fever. Pet dander and mould spores can produce an allergic reaction in some people, although these are far less common than dust and pollen allergies. Certain foods can also cause an allergic reaction in some people.

Symptoms of hay fever and allergies

Hay fever and allergy symptoms range from a mild rash to life-threatening anaphylactic shock. Hay fever symptoms typically include respiratory symptoms, such as wheezing, sneezing and a blocked or runny nose, itchy or watery eyes and an itchy mouth or throat. Some sufferers also experience tiredness or weakness.

Allergic reactions to other airborne allergens, such as pet dander, house dust mites and mould spores, are commonly similar to hay fever symptoms, although some people may experience other symptoms, such as hives, itchy skin or a rash.

The symptoms of food allergy can include itching, inflammation, skin rash, headaches, migraine, tiredness, weakness, wheezing or a tight chest. In severe cases, food allergy can cause anaphylactic shock,
a serious and potentially life-threatening reaction that needs immediate medical attention.

Avoiding pollen and allergens

Minimizing your exposure to pollen and allergens that cause an allergic reaction is the first step to managing your allergies. If you know that you are allergic to a substance, try to avoid it as much as possible. While this may be relatively simple for food allergens, airborne allergens can be harder to avoid.

Minimize your exposure to house dust mites, pet dander and mould spores by introducing a rigorous cleaning schedule for your household. Invest in a high-suction vacuum cleaner to keep dust and pet hair to a minimum. Some vacuum cleaners also have special filters to help reduce allergens. Treat any areas of damp or mould as soon
as possible, and avoid mouldy environments, such as damp forests and areas filled with wet leaves.

Avoiding hay fever triggers is almost impossible, but minimizing exposure to tree and grass pollen will help to reduce the severity of symptoms. Avoid grassy areas and places with a large amount of trees, whenever possible. Wear wraparound sunglasses outdoors to stop pollen getting into your eyes. Wash your clothes and hair when you get indoors, as pollen sticks to fabric and hair. Shut windows and doors when you are indoors to prevent pollen getting inside, and avoid drying clothes outdoors.


Antihistamines can help prevent or reduce the severity of symptoms associated with most types of allergy, including hay fever. Some people experience side effects, such as drowsiness, although there are also non-drowsy antihistamines available. Antihistamines are available over the counter at most pharmacies, but stronger medications may be prescribed by your doctor.

Topical treatments

Nasal sprays can be bought over the counter to reduce respiratory symptoms, dry up a runny nose and prevent sneezing. Decongestant sprays and tablets can help to unblock stuffy noses, but beware of long-term decongestant use, as overuse can lead to the same symptoms that they are designed to cure. Nasal barriers are also available to prevent pollen from entering the nasal passage. Eye drops and sprays can help to soothe sore eyes and prevent itching.

Alternative remedies

Many hay fever sufferers find that eating locally-grown honey helps to reduce their symptoms. It is thought that eating local honey in the six weeks leading up to hay fever season exposes the body to small doses of local pollen, which helps to desensitize the body to the allergen.

According to some studies, antioxidants, zinc and quercetin (a flavonoid most commonly found in onions and tea) may also be useful in reducing the symptoms of hay fever and other allergies.

Some hay fever and allergy sufferers find relief using a range of alternative therapies, such as aromatherapy, acupuncture and traditional Chinese medicine. However, what works for one person does not necessarily work for everyone else. With alternative therapies, it is often best to try different therapies to see which works for you.

In most cases, hay fever and allergies can be managed successfully by the individual. However, if the allergy is particularly severe, or if it is having a detrimental effect on your daily life, your doctor may be able to refer you for immunotherapy to desensitize you to allergens.

Managing Our Emotions

Managing Our Emotions

Man is not worried by real problems so much as by his imagined anxieties about real problems. – Epictetus

Consciousness is an unending tide of emotions. Every moment that we are awake (and often asleep) we are inundated with both remarkable and unremarkable emotions. All emotions are a natural part of our reaction to stimulus. Positive feelings such as joy and accomplishment can enhance and enrich our life experience, while emotions of fear and caution can help us navigate danger. The broad spectrum of emotions can be an intoxicating experience and allow us to fully engage and connect with the gift of life.

As emotions increase in intensity, we become more conscious of them and they can quickly become pathological. In Chinese Medicine, too many heightened emotions can become pathological and hurtful to the health of the body and mind in the same way a poor diet can make us sick. Too much joy can become manic and make us anxious. Too much bliss can make us gluttonous and greedy. Too much worry can become an obsession. Too much anger can turn into rage.

While it’s important to engage in each emotion so that we have a full life experience, it’s equally as important to learn to process and release them so that they don’t create illness. For example, in my acupuncture practice, I have found that people with chronic tension headaches or teeth grinding often have stored up anger and resentment. This is because energy flows throughout the body and negative emotions disrupt the smooth flow of our energy. Intense emotions act like a traffic jam in the body. Learning techniques to help us process our emotions is an important tool to avoid making ourselves sick.

One of the most important tools to help us move through our emotions is breathwork. There is nothing more powerful than this. Dr. Andrew Weil’s 4-7-8 breathing technique is very helpful for reducing anxiety and controlling or reducing anger responses.

To use the 4-7-8 technique, focus on the following breathing pattern:

empty the lungs of air

breathe in quietly through the nose for 4 seconds

hold the breath for a count of 7 seconds

exhale forcefully through the mouth, pursing the lips and making a “whoosh” sound, for 8 seconds

repeat the cycle up to 4 times

Movement is our best friend when it comes to getting our emotions “unstuck. If I find myself having trouble releasing nagging feelings, I will often do a quick cardio routine that allows me to move the energy through my body both fast and efficiently. The quick routine includes these exercises and can be done as often as needed:

30 seconds of jumping jacks

30 seconds of jogging in place

30 seconds of holding a plank

30 seconds bicycle crunches

Other important tactics to help us process our emotions include the following:

mental health counseling


yoga and Qi Gong

creative expression through things like art and dance

bodywork such as acupuncture and massage

Natasha Kubis is a licensed acupuncturist and certified yoga teacher. For more information, visit

Summer Beauty Checklist

Summer Beauty Checklist

If you feel like you could use a bit of a glow up, this beauty checklist is for you. It’s time to get ready for summer, show some skin, and jump back into your social circle.

From head to toe, we’ll get you back into prime condition.

Hair  It’s time to freshen your locks with a maintenance trim and color. Don’t be afraid to DIY if your favorite salon is booked for the next few months. It’s especially important to trim if you have bangs, which can look unloved without frequent shortenings.

Add a weekly hair mask or hot oil treatment to boost the health and shine of your mane. Many kitchen ingredients, such as egg whites or olive oil, will get the job done.

Face  How old is your makeup? It’s likely time to purchase a new stock, and maybe experiment with different brands while you’re at it.

Washing your makeup brushes with soap and water is another important step to avoiding exposure to bacteria, which can cause skin breakouts. Replace any broken or missing beauty tools as well.

It’s also time for a facial. If your budget can handle a professional facial, try to book one that offers exfoliation, extractions, and a gentle peel. However, you can certainly freshen your skin at home with a DIY facial. The internet is full of facial recipes from common ingredients. Just focus on cleansing thoroughly and moisturizing deeply.

Skin  For the rest of your body, exfoliate from the neck down. Gritty scrubs, such as coffee grounds, will sluff off all your
dead skin to give you a new glow. Follow up with moisturizer and sunscreen, as this fresh layer will be more susceptible to damage from the elements.

Clothes  Peruse your favorite stores in person or online to refresh your closet. You need a couple of cute outfits that fit well and make you feel excited to get dressed.

Try a curated subscription box if you’d rather a professional weigh in on what would look best on your body type.

Nails  It’s a good idea to file or clip your nails, both on fingers and toes, and get a good polish. Don’t forget to trim the cuticles and scrub away the calluses. Summer is all about barefoot beaches and walks in sandals.

Body  It’s also time to hit the gym. Set a workout time daily and commit to at least 20 minutes. Your body will be stronger and leaner by the end of the summer.

Supplements  Ask your doctor what supplements you might need based on your diet. Most people lack omega-3 fatty acids and vitamin D. However, your doctor can tell you if you are low in any particular area.

Building up your body’s supply of vitamins and minerals, as well as good fats, will help your skin, hair, nails, and much more look beautiful.

Although this checklist is for summer, it’s actually great to run through at the beginning of each new season. It keeps you fresh and glowing all year long.

Natural Care for Skin and Hair

Natural Care for Skin and Hair

The beauty industry is quick to point out what’s new, innovative, and “guaranteed” to make us more gorgeous. But before there were modern-day emulsifiers, preservatives, thickeners, artificial colors, and fragrances, there were ancient practices used by indigenous people from all around the globe that utilized nature in its simplest form to enhance their beauty and self-care rituals. Passed from generation to generation, these practices have withstood the test of time, and involve simple, healthy ingredients that can be found in your kitchen cupboard or your garden.

Here are some of my favorite beauty rituals from around the world, and the best part is, they don’t break the bank and they’re free of chemicals.

Facial Treatments

Ayurveda is an ancient lifestyle medicine from India and its mantra is that “beauty comes from within.” These 5,000-year-old self-care practices are designed to support the healthy functioning of your body. When you honor yourself and your body in this way, it is said that vitality will illuminate through you like Lakshmi herself, the goddess of beauty.

Some common facial treatments in Ayurvedic medicine include the following:

Rosewater comes from rose petals that have been steeped in distilled water, and when used as a facial toner, it has strong anti-inflammatory and hydrating benefits. You can spray rosewater on your face throughout the day to keep it refreshed. The scent of rose also elevates the mind and spirit.

Neem oil can be used as a spot treatment for acne or discoloration. Use a cotton swab to apply it directly to pimples or spots of minor inflammation and leave it overnight.

Aloe Vera isn’t just for sunburns. It makes the skin smooth, supple, and toned. It can be applied topically, like a toner or serum, underneath a moisturizer.

Dry Brushing for Body Care

Dry Brushing is another Ayurvedic practice that uses a natural bristle dry brush on your body. The mechanical action of dry brushing is excellent for exfoliating dry winter skin. It also helps detoxify your skin by increasing blood circulation and promoting lymph drainage. It has the additional benefit of stimulating your nervous system, which has an invigorating effect.

Starting with your feet, brush in gentle, upward, circular motions toward the heart. Make your way to your legs, torso, and arms. Then rinse off in the shower. Dry off and do some self-massage with your favorite oil, such as olive, avocado, coconut, almond, or sesame oil. Do not use dry brushing directly on skin that’s broken, which includes cuts, scrapes, lesions, sores, eczema, psoriasis, or burned skin. Stop the practice if the skin becomes irritated or inflamed.

Hair Oiling

The history of hair oiling can be traced back to many parts of the world. Research on mummies shows that ancient Egyptians used plant and animal fats on their hair, and in ancient Greece, women relied on olive oil to condition their luscious locks.

The Berber women of Morocco have been using Argan oil in their beauty rituals for thousands of years by applying it to their hair, as well as their face, nails, and entire body. Not only does Argan oil have a wonderful scent, but it is also loaded with rich antioxidants, vitamin E, and fatty acids. It can help make the hair shine, reduce the appearance of wrinkles, treat scars, acne, eczema, and psoriasis.

Ayurvedic medicine has a ritual known as Murdha Taila, which translates to “anointing the scalp with oil.” Indian women take great pride in their crowning glory, and for thousands of years, they have kept their tresses lovely with nourishing scalp oils made from coconuts, herbs, flowers, and spices. Some common ingredients include tulsi (Indian holy basil), hibiscus flowers, curry leaves, and fenugreek seeds.

Hair oiling and scalp massage promote thick, lustrous, healthy hair. Beyond the hair-fortifying aspect of it, this calming and relaxing practice is very grounding due to the many nerve endings on your scalp. Massaging the scalp can improve circulation and slough off dead skin cells, which is said to help hair growth.

Apply coconut or sesame oil to the crown of your head, working downward and outward with your fingertips. Massage your scalp using a pinching motion, bringing the fingertips and thumbs together, then releasing. Move hands forward and back, then side to side, covering the entire head. After the massage, comb the oil through your hair and leave it on for 30 minutes as you relax. For deeper conditioning, cover with a shower cap and leave it overnight. Gently rinse with a sulfite-free shampoo and finish with your typical hair care routine.

Soak it Away

It is said that Cleopatra’s most sacred beauty ritual was taking a bath with dead sea salt, aromatic flowers, olive oil, and milk. Bath soaks have been soothing muscle aches, destressing the mind, softening the skin, and lightening the mood for millennia. I have adopted my own Cleopatra bath ritual and no bath is complete without olive, almond, sesame, lavender, ylang-ylang, or eucalyptus oils, as well as Epsom or Himalayan salts. I still haven’t been courageous enough to pour milk in the tub, as Cleopatra did, but maybe one day.

Natasha Kubis is a licensed acupuncturist and certified yoga teacher.
For more
information, visit
